Dear comrades and friends,
Since the beginning of the construction of Europe, the threats to the future of the European people have never been so great. It is an emergency.
By continuing to enrich the great interests of finance, neoliberal political leaders who implement the policies of social deregulation and austerity, are plunging Europe further and further into chaos. For the people, the competition and the destruction of social models always result in lower wages, unemployment, precariousness, lower social spending, liberalisation of public services and privatisation. Inequalities are exploding all over Europe. The ecological future of the planet, women’s rights and the future of youth are been sacrificed.
In the wake of these ultraliberal policies, radicalised, nationalist, racist and xenophobic forces of the right and extreme right are growing. Freedoms and democracy are being questioned. The logic of war prevails over the logic of cooperation. Migrants are the scapegoats of these selfish policies.
However, the need for cooperation between our people is growing. Ecological issues, workers’ rights and work transformations, women’s rights, demands of mobility, the search for cultural exchanges and education, the necessity for dialogue and peace in an uncertain world, all these questions require a regional and international response which show that another world is possible.
Facing these threats and challenges, urgently strengthening the common work of the left- wing, progressive and ecological forces will give the people a voice. This will unite the many forces that are struggling and resisting in Europe, to rebuild a common future of peace and of social, ecological and democratic progress in a fair Europe, a Europe of solidarity.
This is why we are pleased to invite you to the European Forum of Progressive, Ecological and Leftist forces in Bilbao on 9-10 and 11 November 2018, following the first edition held in Marseille in 2017, and to get involve in its preparation. You will find attached the first draft of the program which remains open to suggestions.
The Bilbao European Forum is open to all forces who wish to debate, build and act together to ward-off current threats and build another future for Europe. We hope you will take your place in it. Our unity and our cooperation are indispensable. Yes, it is an emergency!
We hope to meet lots of you in Bilbao. Best regards,
The European Forum Committee