European Forum 2021 – programme

*The reference timetable is Brussels (Belgium) UTC+1*


15 November 14:00 - 16:00

Far right : how to stop them in Europe?

You can watch this debate again here


Dr. Ulrich Schneider (Secretary General of FIR)
Conny Kerth (Chairwoman of VVN-BdA, Germany)
Petro Symonenko (First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine)

Moderator: Olesya Orlenko (Friends of Humanité)

17 November 17:00 - 19:00

"For another agenda": How to take back the power of knowledge from the powerful for the people (Patents, Finance, Society)

Interpretation EN, FR

Riccardo Petrella (Agora inhabitants of the earth)
Adriana Fernandez (Expert in communication, Argentina)
Conny Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform!europe)
Paolo Ferrero (Vice-President of the European Left)
Lucie Sauvé (Teacher at university of Quebec)
Dorothy Guerrero (Global justice now)
Anita Gurumurthy (It for change, India) (TBC)
Alassane Ba (Directory centre humaniste, Senegal)
Moema Viezzer (Writer and Feminist, Brazil) (TBC)

Moderators: Roberto Morea and Roberto Musacchio

17 November 19:00 - 21:00

Fighting the Pandemic, Fighting for Equality: Access for all to vaccines and treatment to fight COVID-19

Interpretation: FR, EN, ES

Introduction: Marc Botenga (MEP, PTB, Belgium)

Hervé Chneiweiss (President of the bio-ethic committee of UNESCO, France)
Tania Crombet-Ramos (Clinical Research Director of the Centre of Molecular Immunology of Havana, Cuba)
Leena Menghaney (Global IP Advisor, MSF Access Campaign, India)
Maurice Cassier (Economist and sociologist, research director at CNRS, France)

Conclusion: Emmanuel Maurel (MEP, GRS, France)

Moderator: Charlotte Balavoine (Political advisor in the European Parliament)

18 November 18:00 - 20:00

Left proposals for the Future of Europe

Interpretation EN, FR

Roundtable, including (but not limited to):
Cornelia Hildebrandt (Co-President of Transform! Europe)
Dimitrios Papadimoulis (Vice-President of the European Parliament, SYRIZA MEP, Greece)
Pierre Laurent (Vice-President of the Party of the European Left , PCF senator, France)
Helmut Scholz (Die Linke MEP, Germany)
Ruairí Ó Murchú (Sinn Fein MP, Ireland)
Yiannis Bournous (SYRIZA MP, Greece)
Georgi Pirinski (former MEP S&D, Bulgaria)

23 November 15:00 - 17:00

EU money for decent jobs: using the Recovery Fund to achieve a Social Progress Protocol

Interpretation EN, FR, ES

Introduction: Luca Visentini (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, ETUC)

Luc Triangle (General Secretary of IndustriAll)
Enrico Somaglia (Deputy Secretary General of European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions, EFFAT)
Nayla Glaise (President of Eurocadre)
Sabine Trier (Deputy Secretary General of European Transport Workers' Federation, ETF) (TBC)

Conclusion: Ernest Urtasun (Vice-Chair of the Group of the Greens/EFA in the EP)

24 November 14:00 - 15:30

Hundred Shades of EU: mapping the political economy of euro peripheries

You can watch this debate again here

Giuseppe Celi (Associated Professor of Economics and Coordinator of the Ph.D. Programme in Economic Theory at the University of Foggia, Italy)
Valentina Petrović (Researcher at the Department of Sociology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Veronika Sušová-Salminen (Researcher at the Centre of Global Studies - Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences - and editor-in-chief of webzine !Argument, Czechia)

Dagmar Svendova (Facilitator of transform!europe in the programme "Central and Eastern European Strategy")
Tatiana Moutinho (Facilitator of transform!europe in the programme “Cooperation Strategies for Southern Europe" and President of Cul:tra - Cooperativa Culturas de Trabalho e Socialismo, Portugal)

24 November, 18:00 - 20:00

Migration and refugee EU policies - a dark stain in the European narrative. Alternative proposals for a sustainable and creative coexistence

Interpretation EN/FR

Vasilis Papadopoulos (Chairman of the Executive Board Greek Council for Refugees, Greece)
Carla Scheytt (Activist, member of the Solidarity Network Bochum, Germany)
Sergio Bontempelli (Associazione Diritti e Frontiere, Italy)
Katerina Anastasiou (Facilitator on migration /global strategy - transform!europe)

Moderator: Olga Athaniti (Coordinator of the EL Migration working group, Syriza)



PROGRAMME (26th and 27th of November 2021 – 2 days face-to-face Forum in Brussels)

*These Plenaries and Assemblies can also be followed online by Zoom with translation EN, FR, ES*

26 November 16:00 - 17:00

Opening session: The big challenges for the future of Europe

Pierre Laurent (Vice-President of the European Left)
Dorothy Guerrero (Global Justice Now, COP26 Coalition)
Jeremy Corbyn (former Leader of the Labour Party)
Yolanda Diaz (Spanish Minister of Labour) (TBC)
Chloé Meulewaeter (International Peace Bureau)
Luca Visentini (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, ETUC)
Monica Valente (Executive Secretariat of the Forum of São Paulo)

26 November, 17:00 - 17:30

Welcome drinks

26 November 17:30 – 19:30

Plenary: Economic and social issues after the pandemic

Heinz Bierbaum (President of the European Left)
Zofia Malisz (Party National Councilwoman of Razem, Poland)
Martin Schirdewan / Manon Aubry (Co-Chair of the Left in the EP)
Anu Koljonen (General Secretary of the Nordic Transport Workers’ Federation, NTF, Sweden)
Julie Steendam (No profit on pandemic’ campaign, Belgium)

Moderators: Attila Vajnai (President of the Workers' Party of Hungary) and Marta Martin (Communist Party of Spain)

26 November 19:30 - 20:00

Book presentation: “Radical in Diversity: Europe's Left 2010-2020”

Conny Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform!europe, and co-Editor)
Amieke Bouma (Co-Editor)

26 November, 20:00


27 November 10:00 - 11:30

Plenary: Strategies for Democracy and Peace in Dangerous Times - Common struggles against the far right, militarisation and for real democracy in a global crisis

Conny Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform!europe)
David Rinaldi (Director of Studies & Policy at the Foundations for European Progressive Studies-FEPS- and Associate Professor at the ULB – Institute for European Studies)
Natalie Bennett (Green European Foundation, GEF)
Kostis Papaioannou (Director of Signal/researching and confronting the Far Right)
Riccardo Petrella (Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth)

Moderator: Barbara Steiner (Director of transform!europe)

27 November 11:30 – 12:00

Coffee Break

27 November 12:00 - 13:30

Plenary: One decade to save the planet. What now?

Zakia Khattabi (Minister of Climate, Belgium)
Diego Pary Rodríguez (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bolivia)
Rossella Muroni (Independent MP, Member of Environment Committee, Italy)
Urszula Zielińska (Zieloni, Deputy Chair of Environment Committee, Poland)
Andreu Escrivà (Writer and scientist, Spain)

Moderator: Hervé Bramy (French Communist Party, coordinator of the EL Environment WG, France)

27 November 13:30 – 14:00


27 November 14:00 - 16:00

Culture Assembly + Youth Assembly

Culture Assembly: "The social question at the heart of culture"

Yannis Panagopoulos (International Relations, Hellenic Actors Union)
Dave Sohanpal (Artist, Malaysia/UK)
Ritva Harle (Community artist, PAND - Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament)
Jean-Pierre Michiels (Coordinator of the EL Culture Network)

Moderators: Juha-Pekka Vaisanen (Chairperson of the Finnish Communist Party, SKP) and Olga Athaniti (Coordinator of the EL Culture Network)


Youth Assembly: "Post-Covid-19 democracy: a crucial debate"

The Youth Assembly will only be held face-to-face

Interpretation: FR, EN

27 November 16:15 - 18:15

Women assembly + Trade Unionists' Assembly

Women assembly: "The rise of the far right and women's rights"
Introduction and moderation: Cristina Simo (Communist Party of Spain)
Michelle Urquiza (Sororidad sin fronteras, Mexico)
Clara Serra (Lawyer, Association “Stop Violències”, Andorra)
Elena Kountoura (MEP, Syriza, Greece)
Clara Alonso (Director of Communication of the Ministry of Equality, Spain)
Maria Karamessini (Professor at Panteion University, Greece)

Trade Unionists' Assembly: "Reflecting on the future of Europe: a new Social Contact for the 21st Century"

The Trade Unionists' Assembly will only be held face-to-face
Interpretation: FR, EN

27 November 18:30 – 19:00

Presentation of the book "Diario de Turín. La solidaridad en tiempos de pandemia" by Enrique Ubieta

Yaira Jimenez Roig (Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba) (TBC)
Enrique Ubieta (director of “La Calle del Medio”, Cuba)
Maite Mola (Vice President of the Party of the European Left)

27 November 19:15 - 20:45

Closing of the Forum

Cornelia Hildebrandt (Co-President of Transform!europe)
László Andor (FEPS Secretary General and former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)
Ioana Banach (Managing Director of the Green European Foundation, GEF)


Plenaries and Assemblies reports
Final declaration and action plan

Moderator: Jose Luis Centella (President of the Spanish Communist Party)


27 November 21:00


(Throughout the Forum: Book Corner: exhibition of books, bilateral meetings for exchanges on publications)