November 18, 2020

Youth Assembly Manifesto

Young Europeans have been hit less hard by the pandemic - unemployment, precariousness, right to study. Join us for the Assembly to find concrete proposals to common challenges in Europe.
November 16, 2020

Culture Assembly Manifesto

There will be no Europe without culture. We consider fundamental two requests: an artist status recognized throughout Europe which will give protection and the means of existence to those who wish to make a living from their art; a European Fund to support the cultural policies of States and Regions, in particular for equipping and financing infrastructure.
November 11, 2019

Brussels European Forum, the third day

[:en]Trade Unionists Assembly – Trade-Unions in ecological and social transformation Robert Vertenueil (Chair of the FGTB), Heinz Bierbaum (Die Linke), Didier Brissa (Demain). Moderation: Ulrike Eifler […]
November 10, 2019

European Forum, the second day of the event

[:en] Women together for social justice and equality fighting through the 8 March strike   with Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu (former spokeswoman of Osez le féminisme), Charlotte Balavoine (PCF), Katerina […]
November 9, 2019

Brussels European Forum, the first day of our event

[:en]The European Forum in Brussels has started with an opening plenary about the challenges faced in Europe and worldwide: ” with important guests such as: Manon […]