The Covid-19 pandemic challenges humanity: REFOUNDING A EUROPE OF SOLIDARITY!
European Forum 2020 online edition – programme
*The reference timetable is Brussels (Belgium)*
Original version
Alberto Garzón (Minister of Consumer Affairs, Spain)
Alexis Tsipras (former Prime Minister, Greece) (TBC)
Aurélie Maréchal (Political Director of Green European Foundation)
Catarina Martins (coordinator of Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal)
Heinz Bierbaum (President of the Party of the European Left)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (MP La France Insoumise) (TBC)
John Mc Donnell (Labour, ex Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK)
Maite Mola (Vice President of the Party of the European Left)
Manon Aubry (Co-Chair of the GUE/NGL)
Marga Ferré (Co-President of transform!europe)
Maria Svart (Executive Director of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), USA)
Mary Lou McDonald (President of the Sinn Féin, Ireland)
Thierry Bodson (President of the FGTB, Belgium)
Tibor Szanyi (IGEN, Hungary)
Uwe Optenhögel (Vice-President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, FEPS)
Video messages from Guillermo Teillier (President of the Communist Party of Chile), Gleisi Hoffmann (President of the Workers' Party, Brazil), Segundina Flores (MAS, Bolivia)
Moderation: Pierre Laurent (Vice-President of the Party of the European Left)
EU migration policies: inhumanity in law and in practice vs alternatives
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Anila Noor (Global Refugee-led Network and founder of the New Women Connectors)
Bernd Drueke (Coordinator of Seebrücke Mainz)
David Conlan Smyth (Senior Counsel, CCBE/European Lawyers in Lesvos)
Helena Maleno (Human rights defender in Caminando Fronteras)
Iñigo Mijangos (President of Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario - Aita Mari)
Milena Zajovic (President of Are You Syrious / Head of Advocacy, Border Violence Monitoring Network)
Moderation: Sara Prestianni (EuroMed Rights, Asylum and migration programme officer)
Reactions from:
Pernando Barrena (MEP, EH Bildu)
Anne-Sophie Pelletier (MEP, France Insoumise)
Malin Björk (MEP, Swedish Left Party)
Kostas Arvanitis (MEP, SYRIZA)
News from the frontline: fighting racism and the far-right during the pandemic
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Diane Abbott (MP, Former British shadow Home Secretary, UK)
Fabian Figueiredo (Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal)
Idoia Villanueva (MEP Podemos, Spain)
Maria Spiliotopoulou (Syriza, Greece)
Rafael Morales Dominguez (La Desbanda, Spain)
Ulrich Schneider (VVN-BDA, Germany)
Urszula Kuczyńska (Fundacja Naprzód, Poland)
Moderation: Kate Hudson (Left Unity, UK)
The experience of the Covid-19 crisis: the future of health in Europe
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Enrique Ubieta (Cuban Doctors Brigade)
Joan Benach (Professor at University of Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain)
Karystinaki Fotini (Greek nurse, Board of the workers' union in Evangelismos Hospital)
Loïc Pen (emergency doctor, France)
Saila Ruuth (State Secretary for the Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Finland)
Sofie Merckx, federal MP of PTB (Workers' Party of Belgium), doctor at Medicine for the People, Belgium
Tugdual Le Lay (responsable Europe of Génération.s, France)
Vittorio Agnoletto (MD - Medicina Democratica, adjunct professor at University of Milan "La Statale", Italy)
Moderation: Francine Mestrum (Global Justice)
The fight against gender-based violence in Europe in the context of the Covid pandemic and the rise of conservative and far-right forces
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Clara Alonso (from the Ministry of Equality in Spain)
Hannah Luczkiewicz (Activist from Poland, ASBL « Elles sans Frontières »)
Rosen Hicher (Prostitution survivor, France)
Moderator: Nora Garcia (Izquierda Unida)
(+ 30 October 12:00 – 14:00, workshop : Economic violence against women and girls: COVID-19 gives us attention )
Climate Justice versus climate barbarism: the struggle for a just green transition
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Dr. Ilan Kelman (Professor of Disasters and Health, University College London and Professor II, University of Agder, Norway).
Katie Treadwell (WWF European Policy Office)
Leia Achampong (Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer - Eurodad)
Lynn Boylan (Sinn Fein Senator, Ireland)
Marie Toussaint (Europe Ecologie - Greens MEP, France)
Moderation: Petros Kokkalis (SYRIZA - GUE/NGL MEP, Greece)
The Radical Left in a Pandemic World: Perspectives from Europe
a. 10.00 - 13.00 Introduction to the debate and discussion: the pandemic as an accelerator of capitalist developments and the consequences for European Integration
EN version
Anna Mikkola (Vice President of the EL – Vasemmistoliitto, Finland)
Catarina Martins (Coordinator of Bloco de Esquerda and MP, Portugal)
Georgios Katrougalos (Professor of Public Law & MP of SYRIZA, Greece)
Heinz Bierbaum (President of the Party of the European Left)
Juan Carlos Monedero (President of Instituto25m, Spain)
Maria Karamesini (Professor of Labour Economics and Social Policy)
Walter Baier (Member of the Board of Transform!europe)
Moderator : Angelina Giannopoulou (Facilitator of Transform!europe)
b. 14.00 - 16.00 ‘Optimism of the will’: Building hope for and by the Left
EN version
Danae Koltsida (Director of Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Greece)
Hugo Monteiro (Professor of Philosophy & Member of the Board of Transform!europe)
Marga Ferré (Co-President of Transform!europe)
Martin Schirdewan (Co-President of GUE/NGL in the EP)
Paolo Ferrero (Vice President EL – Rifondazione Comunista)
Yann Le Lann (President of Espaces Marx, France)
Moderator: Haris Golemis (Scientific and Strategic Advisor of Transform!europe)
c. 17.00 - 19.00 The intervention point: Collective initiatives for the left in Europe
EN version
David Pestieau (Deputy Chairman of PTB, Belgium)
Deborah James (Director of International Programs, Center for Economic and Policy Research & Coordinator of ‘Our World Is Not for Sale‘)
Javier Moreno (Assistant Professor of Communication & Project Manager in Fundación por la Europa de los Ciudadanos, Spain)
Katalin Gennburg (Member of the Berlin Parliament for Die Linke)
Patrice Leclercq (Mayor of Gennevilliers with PCF, France)
Sophie Binet (Co-Secretary - CGT executives, France)
Moderator: Cornelia Hildebrandt, Co-President of Transform!europe
International trade between climate change and pandemic: which solutions facing free trade? Which safeguards in a digital world?
EN version
Léa Auffret (The European Consummer Organisation, BEUC)
Dr. Christine Riefa (Brunel University London)
Emmanuel Maurel (MEP, Gauche Républicaine et Socialiste)
Helmut Scholz (MEP, Die Linke)
Moderation: Albert Klein (Progressive Caucus)
EU Budget & Recovery Package: Social, green and digital challenges in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Next Generation EU (NGEU)
EN version ; original version
Rasmus Andresen (MEP Greens/EFA, Germany)
Costas Mavrides (MEP S&D, Cyprus)
Luca Visentini (General Secretary of European Trade Union Confederation, ETUC)
Moderator: Dimitrios Papadimoulis (MEP, Syriza)
Global Warming: what priorities for a fair and inclusive ecological transition?
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Asbjørn Wahl (Trade-Unionist, Norway)
Cristiana Cerri Gambarelli (Project Manager, Federation of Young European Greens)
David Cid (MP Catalunya en Comu)
Inger V. Johansen (Red-Green Alliance, Denmark)
Jens Holm (MP of the Left Party, Sweden)
Marisa Matias (MEP Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal)
Thomas Waitz (Co-Chair of the European Green Party)
Moderation: Giorgos Chondros (Syriza) and Christina Baritaki (Former Secretary General for the Environment in the Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece)
Christian-Marxist Dialogue on Achieving Ecological Ecumenism
EN version
Cornelia Hildebrandt (Co-President of Transform!europe, Germany)
Walter Baier (Member of the Board of Transform!europe, Austria)
Raul Buffo (PhD Candidate and lecturer at Sophia University Institute, Italy)
Federico Rovea (PhD Candidate and lecturer at Sophia University Institute, Italy)
Moderation: Angelina Giannopoulou (Facilitator of Transform!europe, Greece)
The importance of sovereignty and municipalism in the fight against Covid-19 and its consequences: Local experiences on healthcare in the Basque Country and Catalonia
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Aizpea Otaegi (Mayor of the city of Renteria)
Miquel Pueyo (Mayor of the city of Lleida)
Mireia Ingla (Mayor of the city of Sant Cugat)
Moderation: Oihana Etxebarrieta (MP Basque Parliament)
CULTURE ASSEMBLY – No Europe without Culture
EN version ; original version
You can find the call here:
- Intermittent artists and cultural workers are full-fledged workers: quickly a status that gives them the same rights as other workers!
- What culture to give Europe its progressive identity?
- Faced with the migration policy crisis and the growing influence of the far right, why is culture essential?
Enke Fezollari (theatre director and actor, Albania)
Jose Miguel Beltran (Director of the San Sebastian Human Rights Film Festival, Basque Country)
Margarita Syngeniotou (lyric artist and opera singer, Greece)
Omiros Poulakis (actor and member of Syriza, Greece)
Serge Regourd (emeritus professor at Université de Toulouse 1)
YOUTH ASSEMBLY - The far-right virus and the virus of a precarious life for youth in jobs, higher education, mental health and social freedoms
EN version ; original version
You can find the call here:
What global security for European solidarity and world peace?
EN version ; original version
Giorgos Katrougalos (MP SYRIZA, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece)
Mina Tolu (Co-spokesperson of Federation of Young European Greens)
Neoklis Sylikiotis (Member of the Political Bureau of AKEL, former MEP, Cyprus)
Oguz Turkyilmaz (International policies working group of Sol (Left) Party, Turkey)
Petro Symonenko (First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine)
Reiner Braun (Co Président International Peace Bureau, Germany)
Moderation: Katerina Anastasiou (transform) and Axel Ruppert (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
TRADE UNIONISTS ASSEMBLY: The coronacrisis and its effects on trade unions
EN version
- Overview
- Labour conditions and labour rights
- Collective bargaining – wages and working time
Esther Lynch (Deputy Secretary General, ETUC)
Heinz Bierbaum (President of the European Left)
Yota Lazaropoulou (President of National Bank Employees – former Ethnodata, Greece)
Moderator: Enrique Carmona (Head of Brussels Office, CCOO - Comisiones Obreras, Spain)
EN version
Angeliki Visviki (Syriza, Greece)
Annie Raja (Vice-President of the Asian region of the Women's International Democratic Federation (FDIM), National Federation of Indian Women, India)
Eunice Iipinge (Vice-President of the African region of the FDIM, SWAPO Party, Namibia) (TBC)
Helène Bidard (Deputy mayor of Paris in charge of gender equality)
Lizz Toledo (USA, Women in Struggle)
Lorena Peña (World President of the FDIM, Salvador)
Nina Ostatnina (State Duma MP, Russia)
Noelia Vera (State Secretariat of the Ministry of Equality, Spain)
Moderation: Charlotte Balavoine (French Communist Party, GUE/NGL) and Cristina Simo (Communist Party of Spain)
You can find the Manifesto here:
How is security debated within Europe’s Left and progressive forces? Considerations for a new Left concept of security
EN version
Angelika Adensamer (LINKS)
Anna Nasser (Transnational Migrant Coordination) (TBC)
David Perejil Bricio (Podemos International secretariat)
Heidi Meinzolt (Womens International League for Peace and Freedom )
Naomi Kreitman (Gastivists) (TBC)
Sarah Reader (Agir pour la paix)
Walter Baier (Transform!europe)
What new model for production and work facing the explosion of unemployment?
EN version
Edouard Martin (ex MEP S&D, France)
Fabien Roussel (National Secretary of the French Communist Party)
Gianni Rinaldini (ex-General Secretary of FIOM, Italy)
Károly György (International Secretary of Hungarian Alliance of Trade Unions)
Kim van Sparrentak (MEP Greens/EFA, GroenLinks, Netherlands)
Luc Triangle (General Secretary of industriAll)
Victoria Velásquez (MP of the Red-Green Alliance, Denmark) (TBC)
Yolanda Diaz (Spanish Minister of Labour)
Moderation: Marilisa Xenogiannakopoulou (MP of Syriza, Greece)
It's getting hot in here! How can we drastically reduce CO2 emissions in the EU and eradicate poverty?
Moderation: Marga Ferré (Co-President, transform/europe)
Aurélie Maréchal (Political Director, Green European Foundation GEF)
Jonathan Essex (Green House Think Tank, United Kingdom)
Uwe Optenhögel (Vice-President Foundation for European Progressive Studies, FEPS)
Saïd El Khadraoui (Special Adviser FEPS, Belgium)
Cornelia Hildebrandt (Co-President, transform!europe)
Manuela Kropp (Project Manager Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Brussels)
Have a look at the programme:
Latin America puts its stakes on progressive forces
Claudio de Negri (International relations, Communist Party of Chile)
Diego Pary Rodriguez (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia)
Giovanna Venegas (Peru)
Gloria Ines Ramirez Rios (International Relations, Central Executive Committee of Colombian Communist Party)
Misiara Oliveira (Member of the National Executive Committee, Workers' Party - PT, Brazil)
Moderation: Maite Mola (First Vice-President of the European Left)
Presentations of the conclusions of the debates and presentation of the final declaration
EN version
Dimítrios Papadimoúlis (MEP Syriza, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Greece)
Ernest Urtasun (MEP, Vice-President of the Greens/EFA group, Spain)
Jeanne Ponte (Génération.s, France)
Jose Luis Centella (President of the PCE, Spain)
Julie Steendam (Citizen committee of the Right2Cure campaign, Belgium)
Martin Schirdewan (Co-Chair of the GUE/NGL)
Monica Valente (Forum de São Paulo)
Pierre Laurent (Vice-President of the Party of the European Left)
The rapporteurs will report the debates of European Forum:
Dawit Yoseph Tesfay (GUE/NGL) ; Gala Kabbaj (facilitator Transform and Espaces Marx) ; Toni Barbara (Mareas Blancas) ; Stavros Magrogenis (GUE/NGL) ; Connie Hildebrandt (Co-President of transform!europe) ; Albert Klein (Progressive Caucus) ; Niki Cheilakou (GUE/NGL) ; Ioanna Theodosiou (Syriza) ; Angelina Giannopoulou (facilitator transform!europe) ; Meritxell Serret (delegada de la Generalitat de Catalunya en Bruselas) ; Jean-Pierre Michiels (PCWB) ; Vincenzo Colaprice (PRC) ; Maite Mola (European Left) ; Enrique Carmona (CCOO) ; Cristina Simo (PCE) ; Axel Ruppert (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation)
Here you can find the Final Declaration of the European Forum: